Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Pink Day tomorrow!

Not sure how many kids will remember but it is Pink day tomorrow to show how how we stand up to bullying. 

Also there will be a science quiz on Monday. It will be about the phases of matter and their characteristics. Also the change of state model. Here is a replica of what they have to use for studying. 

Your child also received a fundraiser booklet for ordering plants. What a great idea! They aren't much different in price from what you would pay at a store. 

We are just finishing up writing our Memoirs and also our exaggerated versions. Many of the kids have shown progress in their writing and continue working on their goals. 

In social studies we are making advertisements through a keynote presentation that would have enticed people to come live in New France. Once they are done you should be able to view them in showbie! I am also still marking the board games and students will be able to bring them home for the whole family to play soon. They did a pretty good job on them but still need to work on revising their writing parts. There was an overall improvement from their design project of the diorama though. Many were able to develop a better plan and make sure to use the design process  properly. 
Yes I am Fly Guy for character day today! 

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Symphony and change for the retest in math

Tomorrow will not be the retest day for math. I am feeling a bit under the weather (okay, very much under the weather.) Incase I don't make it in on Friday I am going to reschedule the re-test for Wednesday. This will ensure I am there to give it. Thanks for your understanding. 

On a positive note we did enjoy the symphony today. It was centered around the Olympic theme. 

We will do something for Valentine's Day in the afternoon, even if I am away. Students are welcomed to bring cards but must include everyone. Treats can be brought in but make sure they are nut free. 

Science fair forms are being sent home for those who wish to participate.

Have a good long weekend!

Monday, 8 February 2016

Math test

I have marked the math tests for number concepts and the students did alright. I found that many are still developing test taking strategies and I will continue to work with them on this. For example they need to skin the test first and do questions they know first. This helps reduce stress. Many students need to ask for help on questions because the worst thing I can say is "I can't tell you that" but the best thing is you understand better to get the correct answer. 

I am going to offer a retest which will take place on Friday. I will send home additional review package to complete at home and will offer a help session after school on Thursday from 3:15 to 4:00. 

I will send the tests home tomorrow to get signed and returned.