
News for Room 9

Dear Parents,

            As part of the social studies curriculum, your child is studying the Native groups of Canada.  We are currently studying our first group, the Northwest Coast Natives.

            Art was a large part of the Northwest Coast Native’s lives.  Many celebrations were held throughout the year.  Extravagant masks and costumes were worn at these celebrations.  These celebrations were called potlatches.  It was customary for the host to give away all their possessions and create a feast for their guests. To have the students experience the culture, each student will have the opportunity to make a totem pole and mask in which we will share with the class at our potlatch.

            The masks were carved out of cedar.  Unfortunately, this is not an option so we will be creating masks using plaster-casting materials.  This is a safe alternative and many teachers have used this in the past. However, it is very helpful to have more adult hands to assist with the plastering. If you are able to volunteer on October 17th in the morning please come.

            Once we have finished making our totem poles and masks we are going to hold a potlatch. At this event each student will either sign up for bringing an item to eat for the feast or a gift to give.  Half the class will bring a food item while the other half will bring two items to be used as gifts.  These gifts can be made or purchased but cannot go over a $3.00.  Such gifts could be bookmarks, pencils, erasers, a trinket etc.  Every child will  chose a gift. I have made a list of foods to sign up for, taking into consideration students with life-threatening allergies. Things cannot be cooked in peanut oil or contain peanut and/or nut products. Once the items have been filled up the rest of the students will assigned to bring gifts.

            The feast will be held on October 28th. I also would love to have 2 volunteers to help get the feast set up in the morning. If you are able to come and help at 10:30 that would be great. I will send out a reminder with what each student is to bring once everything is assigned. Below is the list of food items that you could bring (remember this is for 25 people). Please send a note in the agenda with which item you will be preparing. Also please consider using gluten-free, such as spelt flour to help all students participate. You can send it in as a warm up or if it needs to be cooked or in a “cockpot”.

1. drinks          2. Perogies and sour cream      3. Meatballs    4. Zuchinni or squash dish
5. macaroni and cheese            6. Hashbrown casserole          7. Chili
8. Buns and butter      9. Cheese and crackers            10. Salad          11. Veggies and dip
12. fruit platter

            If you have any questions you can call Mrs. Jensen at the school or email me at wjensen@sjsd.net. 

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