Thursday, 29 September 2016


Today in class I spoke to the kids about how grade 5 is the year to work on becoming more responsible for their work. We have had 2 items that were assigned as homework if they were not done in class. Most kids did get it done in class or did it as homework but a few didn't accomplish either. I explained how it will never go away (the work) and if you are not getting much done in class the result will always be homework. Some will obviously be working to catch-up during "finish up Friday" time. Unsure if this is pertaining to your child then just check the agenda and see if there was a note put in there during the week. 

Other news: 

Students will be having a quiz on Monday  on nutrition. They will need to know what fats, carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins/minerals are. They also need to know how to read a label in a food item. Finally they also need to understand the way the food guide is set-up and what kids their age should be eating. I have included this information incase they forget to bring it home.

Next week we will be starting some art that goes along with studying the Northwest coast tribes. Eventually this will include making plaster masks and holding a Potlatch. Look for a newsletter to come home about this. 

In Science we are needing some flyers with food pictures in them so please send any in that you may have. 

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